Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962) synopsis and review

This film revolves around 2 sisters named Jane Hudson (Bette Davis) and Blanche Hudson (Joan Crawford). Jane Hudson was once a huge prominant child star equivalent to a Shirley Temple. The movie starts off with a young Jane Hudson singing the song “I’ve written a letter to daddy” (a very creepy song I might add)  on stage with a huge audience. The audience gives her a grand applause and her father couldn’t be more proud of his Janie.  Blanche is on the sidelines throughout of Jane’s career. Her mother sympathizes with Blanche and states something like “When you become successful you have to promise to take care of your sister, Jane.” Her mother knows that Jane’s fame will soon come to an end. The movie shifts to when Jane and Blanche are adults. Their mother’s prediction proved to be true, Blanche is now a successful actress and Jane is an unsuccessful actress who lives in Blanche’s shadow. The roles surely switched around! Out of Blanche’s good heart and her promise to her mother, she makes her sister part of her studio contract so Jane could make movies too. She is a dud and the film executives want to get rid of her but they can’t because of the contract. The movie shifts to Blanche’s house with Blanche or Jane (I can’t tell you it will ruin the movie) opening a gate to this enormous house and a car crashing into her. Who did it?! Now, Jane Hudson and Blanche Hudson are old ladies living in a Hollywood mansion. Jane is caked with make up all over her face, trying to restore her younger self and has a huge drinking problem while Blanche is in her wheelchair in her room and aging beautifully. She  watches her old movies with happiness. Jane caters to Blanche with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Jane will not let Blanche leave her room so Blanche’s world is her room.Blanche resents Jane and turns off the TV when she sees that Blanche is watching her old movies. Jane is convinced that Blanche wasn’t a success and that she was the true success of the family. Blanche is constantly receiving fan mail from people who still hold her dear to their hearts.  While, no one remembers Jane (Hense the title).  Jane hides all of Blanche’s fan mail because of her jealous rage.  Blanche knows Jane needs help and wants to get Doctor Shelby for her. Elvira (Blanche’s keeper) knows Jane is evil and wants her out of the house.  Jane insults Blanche, starves her, traps her, and beats her up throughout the movie. One of the best scenes in the movie is when Jane gives Blanche her lunch covered up and states,  “Blanche did you know we had rats in the cellar?” and then she leaves in her room. Jane lives in her past and cannot live for the present. She wants to make a comeback as Baby Jane and wants Blanche out of the picture. However, no one remembers Baby Jane so it’s very difficult for her to make this comeback.  She hires Edwin (Victor Buono) to help her make her comeback. Edwin is not very fond of Jane but is willing to go through with it for the money.  In one scene, Jane starts singing her famous song a”I’ve written a letter to daddy” and starts dancing. She then turns to look in the mirror and she is horrified with her old age.  Will Blanche ever escape from the hands of Jane? I guess you’ll have to watch the movie to find out. Throughout the movie, you’ll be getting the creeps and be truly horrified. I’ve never seen a movie quite like it and that’s why it’s one of my favorite suspensing films. The ending is a really twist and you will not be disappointed. There’s a reason why Bette Davis received an Academy Award nomination.  Check out these clips! 

It Happened One Night


I cannot express to you how much I love this movie! Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert played their parts so wonderfully. Their chemistry together was so real.  In this romantic comedy, Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert) marries King Westley; a man who her father extremely disapproves of. She runs away and soon bumps into a newspaper reporter, Peter Warne (Clark Gable), who offers to help her reunite with her husband in exchange for an exclusive story. Throughout, the movie Ellie and Peter get on each others nerves but they can’t stop falling in love with each other.  They get into so much chaos that you can’t help laughing! The most memorable scene is when the police comes to their little house and starts questioning Ellie. Peter yells at them to stop questioning his wife and Ellie tells Peter to calm down! Soon Peter and Ellie immerse into a huge “fight,” with Peter yelling “QUIT BAWLING! QUIT BAWLING!” and the police apologizes for interrupting their morning. This is only one of many hilarious incidents. I would recommend this movie to each and every one of you. There’s a reason why it received the Best Picture Oscar and why it’s my Favorite movie of all time.  I give this movie a 10/10, you surely won’t be disappointed! Check out these clips!



Everything Carol Burnett


I remember when I first started watching the Carol Burnett show, it kept popping up on my YouTube and finally I relented.  This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! 🙂 Carol Burnett is the show I go to when I just want to laugh or when  I feel gloomy.  My dream is to meet her and I heard she is as funny as she seems! My favorite ones have been Went with the Wind and the one with Joanne Woodward. Of course,  I cannot forget about Mama’s Family, I laugh so hard that tears fall down my cheeks. I love how they keep all the bloopers in the show, it makes it that much funnier!  She is very resilient and I’m so glad that she received the SAG award.

My Love for Old Hollywood

Since, I was a mere child my mom has been exposing me to an innumerable old Hollywood movie classics. I remember watching The Sound of Music, The King and I, West Side Story, It’s a Wonderful Life, and of course all of the Shirley Temple Movies.  I liked watching these films but I didn’t really have an attachment to them.  Gradually, as I grew older, I stopped watching old movies because I thought what most youngsters think about old movies, “Ew, old movies are boring and it’s in black and white.” Luckily, I never grew tired of watching I Love Lucy, ever since I can remember that has been my favorite show.  My mom used to always turn the channel to TCM and I would beg her not to do so. I would complain, “How can you watch these movies, there so boring!? Let’s watch entertaining new movies that are in color!” Thankfully, my mom wouldn’t pay attention to my whining and proceeded to watching TCM.  When I was around 4th or 5th grade, my mom watched two old movies that made me give old movies more of a chance. They were movies that really touched your heart and couldn’t help but drop a tear.  The movies were The Champ and  A Place in the Sun.  It was around midnight at my house and I decided to watch TV with my mom. Of course, the channel was turned to TCM and A Place in the Sun was playing. I just caught the ending and all I could think about was “Man, that was depressing!” Although, I’ve never seen a movie like that before! Same, with the film, The Champ, I just caught the ending and tears strolled down my cheeks. How can these two movies end with such a heartbreaking note!? I guess that’s what made them so great. I would recommend these movies whole heartedly, if you haven’t already seen them. Still, I was hesitant about watching old movies.  It wasn’t until much later, in freshman year of high school when I saw Gone with the Wind. I thought of all the other classics I was missing out on! And that my friends, started my obsession with old movies. My favorite movie of all time is It Happened one Night.  Everyone should be required to watch this movie! Other wonderful ones I have watched are Sunset Blvd,  Some like it Hot, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, Roman Holiday, All About Eve, The Heiress, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire, and others ones I cannot recount. Now, I cannot understand why I just didn’t give old movies a chance. I am a complete opposite person than I was when I was younger. My mindset has changed completely.  I wish I could go back and see those splendid movies in action.  The movies today are nothing compared to the classics back then. I bet I’ve watched more old movies than those who lived during that time. I find it hard to talk about old movies with people my age because they haven’t any idea what I am talking about so I don’t discuss it much with them.  Although, I do love talking about old movies with older people because they understand my love. my dream is to meet the last of the old Hollywood stars and ask about their story.  Hopefully, I can get into the film industry and spark another Golden age of Hollywood. I will posting videos on youtube about my love for old Hollywood and it would be great if you guys checked them out!
